Tuesday, May 3, 2011

John 1:12-13

"12 But to all who did recieve Him, who believed in His name, he gave the right to become children of God, 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh nor the will of man, but of God."

John 1:12-13

Belive in God but have not recieved Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, just isn't going to cut it! Sorry, but that what the Word of God tells us. I know it will make the wide path people angry. It may even make Christains think that I am being harsh, but truth is truth. Face it, there are many of you who believe that just knowing that God exists and half heartedly keeping your mind on Him is all that you need for eternal salvation. There is nothing harsh about saving people from hell.

Radical, no Biblical. You have to stop believing that all "good" people will go to heaven and only "bad" people go to hell. Hell is full of "good" people who filed to give up their worldly ways, committ to the absolute truth, God's Word made flesh, and be born again as a Child of the one true God. Justice demands this consistant, unwaivering, absolute or it would not be justice. The difference between "good" and "bad" is specifically stated by the one who will sit in Judgement in the end, or just after the worldly end I guess. Then the moment of truth, so to say.

John, the last Disciple to die of the twelve, gave us His Gospel late in life, almost sixty years after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But he had spent his life wittnessing to the diety of Jesus Christ. He lived and ate with the Messiah. Formed the young church on the principles in which he saw lived out in Jesus' life. He saw Him again after His crusifixtion, talked and ate with Him. John expresses so beutifully and simply to you, that those that recieve Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, are born again, and become children of God. That the birth in the flesh or and other way that man may concieve in his mind, will not bring him into that relationship with God.

You may say again, that there has to be other ways, but the ones given the Words to write from the creator of all heaven and earth, write consistantly the same message. Jesus Christ was the messiah, He did perform the miracles thathave been written, He was crucified and rose again. In that resurrection all that was spoken became truth. That Jesus Chist was who He said He was, and with that the Prophecies and the Word of God bacame real.

So without making a choice you will expect Justice, Mercy and Grace. You will say to God that you didn't think that His Word was real that you just couldn't bring yourself to believe, to be thought a fool by those around you. You will lokk over your shoulder for the Counselor that was promised, but he won't show up, you will stand alone. You will look forward again and there you will see the Savior who was willing to stand in your place, He would have placed your life on His shoulders carried it between His crucified hands, but He will remain only a reminder of what you could have had.

So chose wisely. Think about what the wrong choices could mean to you. Think about if what you really believe lines up correct with some reason. If there is a God, and He planned everything, why not this? What do you really have to lose? Through John, God spoke. Through Christ you are born again and live.

Lord God, thank you that your word is consistant and true. Not just true for one but for all that come to you through your Son Jesus Christ. Creator of heaven and earth, giver of life, continue to press in the hearts of those that read thism, let them ask what they truly believe, and answer why. Show them your light, show them Jesus. Amen.

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