Monday, May 9, 2011

2 Thessalonians 3:5

"May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and the steadfastness of Christ."

2 Thessalonians 3:5

You may be a "good" person without Jesus Christ, but I am a "good" person with Jesus Christ! Christians, who generally are good people also, have the extra added bonus of having the Holy Spirit guide us in our lives. Just so I am clear I am talking about Christians who truly are saved and profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Ones that earnestly seek to follow Him and have a close relationship to Him so that their lives are changing. I am not talking about cults that call themselves Christians, leaving out Jesus as part of there worship. I am not talking about people that just go to church out of obligations or that use Jesus as a parchute only in times of trouble. I am speaking of Christ following, Holy Spirit filled active participants in seeking His ways Christians.

Ok, that said, wait, not the wide path people either, so we have the Holy Spirit within us guiding us along in our daily lives also. This takes the good that the world sees and makes it even better then. Right? So why do some of you stop at just being "good" when you can be "really good" in the name of Jesus? Afraid? Lack of committment? Weak faith? if you set yourself to Him he will give you what you need.

So above we have an exoltation to the Thessalonians. Not so much a Biblical truth but more guidance and well wishing for them. But I like what it says, may the Lord direct your hearts to love God. May the Spirit that is within you bring you closer to Him that provides everything. May the Spirit lead you to the Love of God which will transfer over to the Love of those around you. the Spirit will guid you to the right relationship to fullfill the greatest commandment, to Love the Lord your God, with all of your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your body. Everything will come back to Him.

Not only this, but the Spirit will guid you to the steadfastness of Christ. the catalysit to the free offer of grace that when accepted by you allows the Spirit to dwell in your heart. From that point on you are brought closer and closer to the one who is Gods Word in flesh. You see more clearly the life that is offered to you as you follow Him. You see that your plain old "goodness" can become greatness as you Love God and follow Christ.

It is an amazing, fully incompassing, circle that leads to more and more maturity and joy in the one who provided it in the first place, God. His plans for us, His word, His word made flesh, the acceptance of that flesh and the following of Him who has freed us all designed to bring us to Him. To have again the relationship which was lost in the fall. to repair the curse that was placed upon man and woman in the garden. His plans are perfect for those who love Him.

You can continue to be a "good" man or woman. Continue to descide for yourselves which truth is truth. You may even be offended when I state the absolute truth of Jesus Christ and the Word of God, but you will never know it to be real in your life. You will never see what "real goodness" is, what your heart and the Spirit that will dwell within it will do, unless you give yourself to this truth. Jesus died for you, for your sins, for all sin. He died so that through Him those that accept Him as Lord Savior can be saved and recieve the free gift of grace form God.

Holy Spirit, guide us in love to the living God. Allow us to experience the fullest life in Him as we follow His ways and seek His face. Show yourself through those who are saved the path and the way. Strengthen us all. Amen.

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