Thursday, May 19, 2011

Romans 9:14-16

14 What then shall we say?  Is God unjust?  Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses,  "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion." 16 It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy.

Romans 9:14-16

This one goes out to the "good" people again.  To those that feel that they don't need faith or religion or church to tell them how they should believe.  The independant umungst the readers who believe the way they want to believe.  Those that were like me, that did what we felt was ok and justified ourselves so that we could continue in our behavior.  Thse that think that an absolute truth is too burdonsome to bother with.  To thos ethat will not see the Glory of God for the rest of eternity but rather His wrath and the eternal seperation that follows.

Yeh, I know,  right about now several of you are saying "here he goes again" and not wanting to read any further, that is your choice.  You are also right, here I do go again, because I truly want those that are lost to be convicted and to come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.  You will probably see me, till the day that I die, bringing this message to you.  If you don't find the Mercy and Grace that God offers you through Jesus Christ you will spend eternity in Hell.

The sad part of all of this is that like everyone that ever lived or lives, people believe that they will go to heaven when they die.  Everyone wants that Glory, they want to think that they will be with God and the Angels forever.  Nobody wnats to be damded and be in Hell.  Not one sould believes that their relative was not good enough to see God.  At every funeral you here, "well they are in a better place now."  No matter what the person was like the ones left behind always think the same way. 

I will tell you the truth, I spent several days with my Grandmother before she passed away and this question ran through my head often, is she saved?  In the end I had an opportunity to briefly speak to her about the Bible and her faith, but at the time she was very weak.  To this day I still ask myself if I could have done more.  I ask why I didn't ask her specifically about Jesus Christ.  I wonder if she was saved or not.  I don't want that to happen again.

As Christians, if we believe in the word of God and we believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior, then we must believe that there is Heaven and Hell.  We must also know, and strive, to bring the message of hope to all those that are lost, of the salvation of the Gospel, and the one path to Heaven.  We must want to save their eternal lives.

 "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion."
If you think that it will be up to you, that you will stand in front of God like one of those dumbies that try to defend themselves in court, without a Laweyer.  It just isn't going to work out well for you.  You have and will have opportunities to change.  You have heard and probably been convicted of the truth hundreds of times.  You chose which turn you will make and you will be soely responsible for that turn. 16 It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy.Yes, he is Merciful but remember He is also Just and because of this Justice He will not just dole out unconditional Mercy to whoever comes to judgement.  If He were to do that he would not be Just.

Christians, if you are to be full of Love for your neighbor, grace, compassion, mercy and forgivness you should also be willing to speak truth.  If you hold back truth then you are not truly meeting the obligations of love.  You are allowing others to potentially perish because of your own fear.  If you hope, then bring that hope to those around you.  You never know when you will have another chance.
Lord Jesus, thank you for your love of us and your obediance to our Fatherin Heaven.  Thank you for the cross and the suffering that gave victory over sin and a way to salvation for those that believe.  Strengthen all of us that we may pass through fear, as you did, and bring the Good News to those that need to hear it.  Open the ears of hose that can't hear.  Amen

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