Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What, Me Broken?

I catually sat down today, started writing a post and have just now saved it for a future occasion. I did this because I was struggle to write for a verse that stuck out to me this morning during my daily devotionals, 2 Corinthians 7:9-10. I stopped because I began to edit as I wrote. Over and over again I was removing words and sentences and with that I realized that it was not right. Many of you that read my Blog have seen the misspelled words within it. Probably hundreds of times at this point if you have been reading since the begining. That is because I do not edit or reread the posts before posting it. I write from begining to end in one sitting and try to let the words just flow. Somedays they come slowly and others very quickly. For me this is a small testimony to the Spirit in my life, this outpouring of sorts. I will go to something else that is on my heart. My brother replied to a post on Facebook of mine yesterday regarding being "Broken". This is a point of discussion that we have had for a while now. I state that I was broken, still am, and he thinks that this is not the case. He does not relate to the idea of brokness in man. I thought about my response, as most do on Facebook, to his statement. the explination that I put back to him is one that Frank has used in the past and I really think that it illustrates well the definition. If something is not used for its intended purpose, for what it was designed to do then it is in essence broken. I think Frank, if I recall correctly, used a cell phone to hammer in a nail. the result was definately brokeness. For me, it is this same realization, or it was, that I was not doing what God intended for me to do, to glorify Him. To love Him with all my heart, sole and mind. To have fellowship with Him and enjoy Him and glorify Him in all that I do. If I am outside of that, outside of obediance, outside of what His design and purpose was for me then in essence I am broken. I understand that this is foolishness to some. That until you truly realize God and understand that God created you. That He gave us free choice so that we were not slaves to Him and in that choice we went astry. That as in any situation similar to this there is consiquence to acting outside of what is acceptable. And however there is, through Gods grace, a way of redemption from our disobediance through Jesus Christ. It is not further penalty, death, in Jesus but the life that God intended you to have origanally. It is also similar to dealing with your child. You set the standards by which they live within your house. You give them rule in which you expect them to follow. When they excersise their own free will, outside of your rules, you impose discipline. I think every parent does or has. Yougive a punishment fitting the offense, but at the same time you offer an eventual pardon. you ground them for a week, so they may learn their lesson. You don't however, do as some unbelievers do, or want done for them. You don't allow your children to do whatever they want, make any choice that they feelwithout consequence. You also wouldn't stand by and listen as the child made a statment such as this "well I know that you are my father (that there is a God) but I don't believe that I have to do what you say (believe your word)." Nor would you allow them to say "yes you say you created me, but I don't believe you so I will just ignore you". I could go on like this all day. What is the true foolishness is how people, adults, will not follow through from one circumstance to another. When the new TV, doesn't show a picture, we say it is broken and bring it back. What if the man at the store says sorry, it still has the sound so I will not take it back. So in the same instance because my life is typically good to the standards set by the world, then I must not be broken! My brothers position is from the worlds perspective and therefore because the descision of if he is truly broken or not will put him into a point if his life is truly what he thinks it is, it is easier to deny the truth of brokeness then to change the brokeness. Ultimately, however, and unfortunately however, we will all stand on our own in front of God. We will be the child before the father, and when He asks to explain our lives, why we broke the rules of the house, you know as well as I do that, the answer that we give will be directly related to the punishment. Lord, nothing you have asked of me is difficult or out of line. All your commandments, your word, the fruit that I have seen in my life is good and righteous. There has been no harm in anyway to me as I have followed you with an open and loving heart. I pray that those who see this as follishness see their lives for what they can be. They see that you have and will give them everything that they need, their hearts desires. that you will only take away the things that are not of you, that are seeded in sin and disobediance. That like a good father, you want only the best for your children. That the only one who wants other then their good, wants their eternal destruction also. In your name I pray. Amen.

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