Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cricket Match.

I am fortunate to be here in Afghanistan with men from all around the world. It is an opportunity, and has been, to experience a little piece of each culture. I know it is not the same as being with them at their homes but all in all it has been good. Americans probably don't even know that for the last month the World Cup of Cricket has been going on. Like the Soccer World Cup, this is big and creates lots of excitment for the Middle Eastern and Western Asian countries. After a long road to get to this point last night was the Semi Final match between India and Pakistan. To put it in perspective, this is the United States vs. Russia. Because of the excitment amongst the men, the Camp Manager allowed them to watch the match, starting at 13:30, if their jobs so allowed it. The tent was packed starting just before the game right on through to the end. Now I never knew anything about Cricket before being here. The guys have been kind enough over these World Cup matches to explain the game to me. It is not as complicated as it looks, and very similar to baseball. Like anything else, once I understood the game, I have better enjoyed watching it when I had the chance. I would have liked it more if the US had a showing but they are almost like the Bermuda Bobsled Team in this sport. I think the guys chuckled when I asked about them. Anyway, I was fortunate enough to spend the evening hours watching the game with the mostly Indian crowd. Every inch of space was filled and each man had his little view of the TV. I will say something that is different, they are definately more social. There is no way that Bob would let Joe sit on his lap to watch the Superbowl. Definately different in that regard. Sitting amongst them was fun. Thankfully the game ended with India winning by 30 points. Very close in Cricket. Two key batsmen from Pakistan got out relitively early in their overs so that created much aplause. the final Ball was the big one, when mathmatically Pakistan could not win, the guys went crazy. What a pleasure to see them hooting and hollering. Even through some water around to make it a little bit crazier. On Saturday will be the Final game. India vs Srilanka, this will be even bigger. For this the camp will pull out all the fixens. Curry, goat, chicken the party planned weeks ago. Singh stated that if they win it they will make much noise and run around the camp. Sounds familiar. I am looking forward to it. I wrote this blog in essence to remember the moment I shared with these men. I look forward to the final game and seeing these guys have some more enjoyment.

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