Sunday, February 13, 2011

Two More Cancellations!

Well, two more failed attempts to leave Shindand today. It caused me a little anxiety this morning, probably because of lack of sleep more than anything. I have moved past that now however and have focussed myself back on Him.

I was able to praay this morning as I waited for the second flight. I was also able to read my Bible Chapters that are part of my daily devotions. With that many of the verses I read were able to apeak into my heart and I was therefore able to release to Him the garbage that was building in me and find the light and the sweatness of His face.

After the cancellation of that flight we all returned to our Camp and I was able to sleep for a couple of hours. When I woke I was ready for some fellowship at the Chapel and went to the 11:00 service. This became the icing on the cake for me in relaeasing the burdon to Christ as the worship was great and the Sermon inspiring. So now my heart set on the things of God and the purpose of this time which is His, not mine.

I will continue to be available as flights get scheduled and know that the one I should be on I will be on. I am content that all things happen for His purpose, if I should be moved back or delayed longer in my R&R, then that is what must happen. These thoughts bring peace to me, to you, when you let them. Knowing, that God is in control.

One of the things that I am so thankful for since being here in Afghanistan is this knowledge that I am not really in control of things. Before being here, probably like many of you, I tried to plan, and schedule, have tyhings lined up so that I was comfortable. That just can not be done here. Everything except for your own personal, self, is in someone elses hands. Where you sleep, what you eat, when you eat, when you work, if you fly or don't fly. A valuable lesson as a Christian has been thrust opon me. I have had to trust Him for it.

Well I ask that you keep praying Gods will for me, for my exit from Shindand, and for my ultimate trip home. That in His perfect timing that it will all work out. With that I will see some of you in a week, or so.

Lord God, thank you for this day and the journey. Thank you that my heart has changed and it does trust you more and mor eeach day. There is no other place I should be then in your hands and if you allow let othyers come to that place in their heart also. Amen

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