Sunday, February 13, 2011


A quick update on my travel plans. The weather cleared on Sunday afternoon becoming brisk and clean. We actually had ice on top of all the puddles that remain. The mountains are all also snow covered and beutiful. They look like a skiers paradise as there is not one tree that stand in the way of a perfect first run down an uncharted run.

Anyway, although the weather has cleared only one flight arrived but was scheduled for Soldiers only. This is actually good news in a way as then there is more space on the next flights for Civilians. I spoke with a Major this morning and they are requesting passenger only flights to get people moving. Will shall see.

This all goes back to expectations I guess. We get spoiled in the United States to things always running perfectly when we travel. The system works so well most of the time that we expect that all the time. When something deviates for even just a few minutes our aggrevation levels go up. We even have Laws in the US, Passengers Bill of Rights and things, that are so that we have an avenue for repercussions if things fail. We have geared ourselves to living in and with certain expectations.

Even Christians do this, I did it and even still do it but I have changed dramatically from where I was because of being here. We have expectations of our Church and the people in it. Expectations of our Ministries and the working of them. Expectations of just about everything that we do, sports coaches, food service, cleanliness, living conditions you name it and at some imaginary place we draw a line and say here is what I will and won't accept.

I see it here so often with even non Christians. People coming here to work that expect the same things that they had at home or during there last contract even. Private rooms and private showers. Access to unlimited phone or internet. Travel without delays. For the most part our expectations are higher than that of which we can have or for that matter need. For these people it creates stress and animosety towards the situation that they are in and possibly the leadership.

I was speaking to the Mayor, a Major, who was overwhelmed with emails from new units that had complaints of the Camp. One was the lack of personal and private space for the soldiers. Another wasthat there was not enough for the Soldier to do when they were off duty. Yet one more, that there was not enough choice and variety of food in the DFAC. The MAyor was amazed because all of those services are doubley improved from what we had on the West side before the last expansion. He could only say that "if these paople were here before they wouldn't be cpomplaining.

Is this not true of everything in life. If we didn't have a tatse for better we wouldn't cpomplain of the circumstance that we are in now. If we didn't try to satisfy external and inappropriate needs we also would look for more. Because I have not had issues getting out of Shindadn before this time is causing some concern. If I didn't know the Home that I had I wouldn't mind the home that I have, or the food, or the showers etc.

So a couple of lessons here depending on your perspective. As a Christian be thankful for what you have, as all things are a gift from God. Be content exactly where you are because your faith shoukld demand from you that you know that is where God wants you to be. As soon as you want something, as soon as you think you deserve more, then you have taken yourself away from Gods sovereignty over your life, excercised you free will, and therefore moved outside of His will. This is especially true if what you want causes you streess or anger or the like, in the case of a delayed flight or something.

For non Chritians you should be thankful also for what you have. You don't actually deserve anything in life, you are given opportunities that you either take or don't. I know you can't rely on God and you therefore only have yourselves but calm down sometime and see things for what the are. Thnk about if you can do anything to rely change the situation. If not then try to make the most of what you have at the time. I will tell you however that the desires and expecattations that you have that, that you try to control are coming from somewhere. They are of this world and worldy. Because of that you should no that they are from the Devil as he trys to keep you from God.

Oh and for the Christians, the same thing applies when you act in your own will and you allow you wants to get the better of you.

Lord Jesus, may we only give ourselves and our lives humbly to you. May our wants and desires only be to be obediant to you. We thank you for all that you have given us a s a gift of your grace to us. Amen

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