Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Spirit Workin Within

I have realized something today, and I will try to explain it the best that I can without going to far because I think it is important. I want to always write the things on my heart especially if I believe they will benefit the reading in their walk.

God is faithful to forgive all of our sins, all of the sins that we in humble faith give to Him in our confession. He sees our hearts and knows these things already but through our confession He then knows the trust we have in His word.

Now I am married to Catherine, who is also a Born Again believer in Jesus Christ. I believe fully that the Lord has chosen us to be husband and wife and brought us together so many years ago so that our paths would bring us to this place and time. I also trust that the Lord is working in Her life and that she has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Where that relationship is exactly is between God and her, thankfully.

I also have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and am a Bordn Again believer. Catherine tells me that she also believes that the Lord has chosen us to be husband and wife and brought us together so that we would be at this place at this time. She also trusts that the Lord is working in my life.

So where am I going with this? You see because we both have that relationship with the Lord and the trust in that relationship we can also trust each other more completely then we ever have before. Because I know that the Lord is faithful to forgive then I must also know that my wife is faithful to forgive. If the Lord is full of Mersy and Grace then I must trust that my wife will have mercy and grace. You can see where I am going with this.

If out of the same trust that I have of the Holy Spirit within me and the Truth that God gives us I can confess and speak openly of the things of my heart to Him, then I must therefore be able to speak the same things to my wife whom the Lord has made me one with here on earth. One flesh with the Lord through Holy communion, and one flesh with my wife through our Holy matrimony.

If I can not or am not willing to give the things of my heart to God in that trust then I will almost assure you that I will not give those things to my wife. The inverse is also then true, if not to my wife then almost not as assuridly in the right manner to God. Also, the things that are given to my wife, if truly lead by the Spirit and walking with the Lord they will be handled in the appropriate manner, as the Lord would handle them. If they are not then that mishandling will be on her head and will be delt with by the Holy Spirits conviction in her heart.

If our Church and the people within that church all walked in faith with God we could all trust and be trusted in this manner. We would be Christ like and know it of the others around us. Would would return all things with the love and compassion that Christ does for us. We would not condem or judge but listen, forgive and then forget as Christ does.

Yesterday I was able to speak to my wife with the pure knowledege that I was speaking to my Lord. That she would understand and listen. That she knew that I had gone to God and that I was now going to her as my oneness, my wife.

Lord, thank you for this milestone in my faith, in my trust of your Spirit working in me and my family. Thank that I can put another layer on the wall of the fortress of my faith and stand stronger as the head of my household as Catherines and my bond become stronger. Lord, I also ask that those that fear, those aho may not trust fully, find that trust in you and your working in us.

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