Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Heart and Mind

How precious is our heart. How much does it control who we are and what we do. No wonder the Spirit dwells within it's walls. The Bible states that it is the well spring of our soul. We here home is where the heart is. All of these are indications of the significance of the heart in our lives.

I have walked so delibrately with the Lord for the past two months. My heart was set, is set, on the completion of this part of my journey, Afghanistan. I have purposed that nothing will take me away from glorifing Him by making it through this. The purpose has made each day a delight and easily swallowed.

The last few days my mind has begun to move to my temporary return home, to the ones that I love, to my friends. I have thought about the discussions I will have, the hugs and handshakes, being with my wife and children. Alll of this has captivated me, in my thoughts and my dreams.

What this has also done is brought back the "ache" that tends to set itself up just outside of my heart, a little down and to the right. You know it from your childhood, great anticipation of something to come, homesickness when you went to camp, maybe even a first love. It just sits and reminds you that one thing, the thing of your heart.

I believe that the the heart is the center of our soul as it is not as easily tricked as the mind. The mind can be overcome, you can convince yourself of things that may not even be real, but the heart will win out every time. The Spirit, for us Christians dwells there because it is a place of consstancy, safety, true emotion. The mind can speak lies, while the heart knows the truth.

As I walk, I set myself, useually to the Lord early in the day, then I can easily bring myself, and remain in that place. Each morning setting a guidpost in my heart that says I am ours Lord, the mind and the heart working as one that day keeping focussed. But in times such as these I struggle with this, the two almost working independantly of one another, one reasononing and the other feeling. Finding them in the same place brings peace, when it happens.

Lord, continue to know the desires of my heart, as it is the well spring of my soul. Help me keep my mind captive, evry thought purified and checked. Amen

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