Thursday, February 10, 2011

No Ground Sensing Radar

The bad weather has come in. It must have been an hour after the Dash 7 Flight on Wednesday, which left with twenty two open seats that the clouds came back. An hour after that the rain started. Here I am two days later and you can not even see the mountains.

Bad weather has set in for the next few days at least. Yesterday there was hope for a flight as the tops of the mountains were visible, but the rain held everything on the ground. This has always made me think as to why thye couldn't fly after all they are Military aircraft for the most part. If not Military then they have Ex Military piolets flying the planes, so why not fly in bad weather. It turns out that unlike the rest of the world, there is no gorund sensing radar and such. Without such systems in place mountain terrain becomes very difficult to fly over I guess. Unless an absolute emergancy, aircraft stay on the ground.

With that I now wait for clear weather. I know not to worry, as the Bible correctly teaches us, worry will not add one minute to our lives let alone bring an aircraft into Shindand to carry me home. All I can do now is, as it should be, leave this in Gods hands. As you all may know this is not always easy. We as human being have anticipationand excitment of things to come that we must overcome. I have tickets out of Dubia for Friday morning that have been purchased, reservations for a family trip to attend to. All of these things cause the mind to say "come on."

Here is where most of us will struggle, bringing our faith and our lives into check. We know what God asks us to do, but the insides of us start to tell us differently. We imagine what we could be doing, we place worldly hopes before Godly hope. In a small way we fall short of Glorifing Him in our faith. We trun from His plans and rely on our own.

The consquences of this for a lot of people becomes anxiety, which I am familiar, worry, anger and stress. You may recognize these people when you are standing in a long line or arguing with a ticket agent about the delays of a flight. You may see this in yourself as you make statements to somone who really can't control the situation morwe then you can. This is why would we should worry for not. In the grand sceme of things, when we leave it to God then we have placed in our hearts that the plan is not as important as the obediance and understanding taht we are in His care.

The Bible uses birds as an example, quiet fitting for my plight. They worry not for food for the next day, they save up nothing because God provides everyday for their needs. We also learn this lesson from the mana from heaven which sustained the Israelites for forty years. They were instructed by God to only gather one days worth of food each day. If they gathered more it would rot and be useless. So God was looking to instill a few lessons in them, to depend on Him each day and that if they didn't, what they gathered, their worry, would not be useful to them. It took them a while but finally they understood and trusted Him.

So as the rain comes down I can only think of when it may break. I struggle back and forth with the lesson from God, and I wait. When you face something such as this, the same thing will probable occur and maybe the same lesson will pop into your mind, worry for nothing as it will add not a day to your life. I hope to see you all soon.

As far as the radar, I guess sitting and waiting is better option then the side of a mountain.

Lord Jesus, I lay this into your hands and ask that I am obediant to your word and know that it will all work itself out in the end. You provide all that we need and let us acknowledge and live to that, for you. Aman.

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