Sunday, June 19, 2011

The End Of This Journey

Well, we have come to the end of this journey together.  After three hundred and forty eight posts, this will be the last from Afghanistan.  I have thought about this day for quite some time, how do you end something that has been part of almost everyday that I have been here.  How do you say so long and wrap things up into a nice complete little bundle.  The answer that I came up with is, I don't know!  I don't know what this should be, and what will come next.  I am pretty sure however that I will continue to Post here, once I have settled back home as all of this will definately have a "rest of the story."

As for this year, I certainly hope that you all have experienced through me a walk with the Lord.  I hope you have seen past only the things that I have done and seen what the Lord did through me and with me.  I hope that by reading of what has occurred this year here, that something has also occurred with you, that my words have been considered when read, and made changes in all of you along with those that you saw in me.

I pray that my time here, with all of its ups and downs, ultimately bears fruit for the Kingdom of God and my Lord Jesus Christ. If only for one person that my time here made a difference.  That through me, just a fleating instance someone was given the mustard seed that will grow in to tremendous faith for the Lord.  I want to know this, but I may never until the day that I face the Lord in Heaven.

I hope that my writing showed that we Christians are not perfect, that we struggle and go through life with all of the same external and many more internal struggles as anyone else.  That I am not above anyone else but here with everyone else, living in this world, wrestling with all of its sin.  I hope that you have seen that as a Christian I am given hope and set free from the snares that bind to this world.  That I seek to honor the Lord in all things first, that I may fail at this, but I know that He is faithful to recieve me in my repentance.

I hope that you saw the power of the Lord Jesus Christ in my life.  That in times of my greatest struggles it was only Him that gave me strength to continue on.  That only He allowed Catherine and I to remain faithful and to endure through this.  I hope that throuh my words you all know Jesus Christ a little better.  Only by His grace in my life could this day have arrived.

I aslo Hope that you have seen the power of the Lord Jesus Christ in the lives of others.  That you have seen that He is the Living God, who was raised from the grave and sent the Holy Spirit to us to dwell in the hearts of all who believe in Him.  That we are set free from our sin and can live in freedom from this world and hope of heaven.  that God offeres His free gift of Grace through faith in the truth of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 28:16

Jesus Commissions the Eleven

16 But the eleven disciples went into Galilee, unto the mountain where Jesus had appointed them. 17 And when they saw him, they worshipped [him]; but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came to them and spake unto them, saying, All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: 20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

I hope not just this year, but in all years to come, all instances, in everything that I do I may honor the Lord Jesus Christ in what He has asked me to do and each person that calls Him Lord and Savior. To be a wittness to Him and go make Disciples of all nations. 

Be well all, God Bless each of you and may the Lord Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit be in your hearts and lead your lives in all things.

Lord Jesus, I ask that the seeds that I have sown, now be watered and grow.  That all that have read or will read my words know you more, know you as Lord and Savior.  Watch over this Camp, and all those that remain here.  In your name Jesus I pray, Amen.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

1 Timothy 6:10 -12

10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
11 But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
1 Timothy 6:10-12
We men are in eternal struggle in our lives, we are pulled between thye world and our faith.  The world have us be weathy, nice cars, prestigous jobs, kids in the best colleges, lacking nothing immediately.  We are told by the fools of this world and the weak in faith that we must labor in the world to be of worth, that we must join even be it partially the reasonings of those that walk in death.  We stand, even casually with one foot in the world and one in our faith.  We have come to rely, in some way on the things of the world to provide rather then the Lord.
Our pursuits, while we work in the world, are not purely for the Lord.  Somewhere as you dig down, man fears not having enough, being in adequate as a father as a man.  We compare to others what they may have and have wants beyond our means.  We look at some and say "poor" and others and say "rich" but we use the standard of this world.  Who is truly "poor" and who "rich"?  This is our sin nature, the worldly eyes that we never seem to completely discard.
Man of God!  What would be a true man of God?  Who has achieved this in the world?  We hold this standard out to the Acclaimed Saints and never think that we are all Saints to the Lord.  We hope that we men can be men of God but we only half heartedly pursue this in our lives.  We give only what is easy, what will not cost us.  We fail to truly trust the one who we claim as Lord, we we say we follow.
Men, we are the Spirtual Leaders of our households.  As the head goes so goes the body.  My family will only be as good as I am and in that I am bothered.  We must stand for something, we must committ to what we believe.  If we only say and not do our hypocracy shows, and becomes a cancer.  We can not pick and chose the places of our faith, they must be always. 
If we labor, then we must labor for the Lord.  Our hearts not set on monetary gain or even accolades but on producing for Him who has given us much.  We must see the fruits of our labor as His and then with that fruit seek the treasures that He shall provide, righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.  These are the measuress of the Saints, of the Men of God.
Imagine if each man of the Church stood for these values in all things.  If we pushed each other into service as Men of God to produce these fruits.  If we displayed these in our homes and instilled these values to our children and wives.  If our worldly work was marked by them and seen as different.  What if we were not ashamed or fearful to say that we were Men of God in all circumstances, all circumstances. 
We are expected to be the leaders, and bring these things forth in all things and all measure.  Our church should be marked by its Men and Christ working through them.  Our service is to the Lord and the works are the fruit that should be apperent to the community.  We should be different to those that look only for the worldly man.  If you are a beilever of the Lord Jesus Christ.  If you have publicly called His name as Lord and Saviour then you are without exccuse as to your duty and to the position that God expects from you.
Men of God, be the Men that God wants you to be.  If not alone then be the help of your Brother but we must move to this in our lives.  No excuse.  Make secondary the issues and gain of the world and pursue first the righteousness of God.  Make you home and family your cause and your work His.  Trust in Hiom and He will see you through.
Lord, let all men who call you Lord stand and become the Leadersof their households, the leaders of the Church, the examples of Jesus Christ that they should be, that you made them when you called them.  Amen.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Can You See Jesus From Me

39 You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life.  These are th Scriptures that testify about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life.

John 5:39-40

In this verse Jesus is speaking to the Jewish people, the Pharisees whom are the Holy men of the Jewish faith.  The know the Law, the Scriptures and study them diligently everyday.  The hold onto the scrolls and possess the knowledge that is contained within.  But what Jesus is saying is that this alone is not enough.  That what the know is what should lead them to see Him as the Messiah but it has not.  they have placed the value in the knowledge and Religion and not in truly and personally knowing and seeing God, the living God that stands in front of them.

I could easily fall into the same trap as the Pharisees, reading the scriptures and not seeing the Living God before me.  I could be able to quotes thousands of verses, which I can't, and never once have know them to be true and active in my life.  You could look at me and see only a wealth of knowledge and nothing in regards to faith, this is whhere the Pharisees were at and Jesus was pointing that out to them.

People so often point out the flaws in Religion.  They say that this Religion did this and that, that.  They will talk about all the things that they saw growing up that were wrong with their church and that caused them to fall away and seek their own god.  They place all the value on the external showing, the expected human perfection, the abilities of man and they miss the essential part of what Christ is saying here, find Him in all of it.  See Him when He stands in front of you.  That all of the things that we try to know should bring us into a physical relationship with Him, a love relationship with Him.

I am kinda lost here today on this, and looking for a final point from this and what keeps coming through my mind is that above all I hope that those around me can see Jesus Christ through me.  That even though I may read the Bible, that people see me as a Christian, they see Jesus Christ working in my life.  I hope that my father and mother more then say "wow Michael it is good where you are at now" say "when I look at him I see something that is beyond Michael, that thhey see Jesus Christ."  The Pharisees did not get this, I could be there also if I only just read the Bible.  It has to go beyond that and become a physical relationship, allowing the words to become real and relevant to me and Him now.

Above all, I hope that through all of my writing, all of my devotions, all of the good works, the Bible studies, the small groups, the Discipleship, the guiding of my family that you have not just seen me being Religious, that you have seen me show Jesus Christ.  If only religion then I have failed because without Jesus Christ in me then I am nothing but an empty shell as the Pharisees were.

Lord, amy life to show you to those that see it and not just an empty Religion.  Amen

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Flesh and Heart Fail

My flesh and my heart fail: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.
Psalm 73:26

I am sinful by nature, failed, inperfect in heart and mind.  My life is a struggle, back and forth, ebe and flow, pulled nad pushed by sin and righteousness. 

I am weak, unable on my own to control the things that cause sin in my life.  Anger, envy, lust, pride, all of these wait as traps around me as I walk. Many i look at and hold only to be hurt by them, to feel the sting.

I worry, because of my own plans, my inability to control my destinty.  I attempt to determine the outcome of my life when I have no control.  I plot and move in the way that I feel best, only to find that each wrong turn was my fault.

I love things other then God.  I seek things to fill small holes in my heart that only He could fill.  I place small idols in my life that cause my head to turn and look away, then I wonder why I lost my way.

I polish my eterior and hide things on the interior.  I store the bad with the good in my heart and allow it all to spoil.  I depend on my own hands to determine what is useful and what is mine, and not Him who knows best.

I fear the future that may not come.  I live not only for today and what He have me do but later in my on thoughts.  I miss out on what is just in front of me a I peer to far into the distance in wonder.

I cry.

This is however the best place for me to be, the only place where I can be so that the Spirit of God can work, can convict, can change me.  Until I relaize what is wrong, where I have failed nothing will change.  We are saved and we are convicted from that day on, it must be that way or we will be stagnet and waste the gift of life. only the Love that God has for me will allow me to overcome all that I am.  Only when He is with me will I have the strength to change.  I can not, no not ever, change on my own.

I am struggling today with all of this.  A weight has been placed on my shoulders, a yoke that if I carry alone will continue to bring me down.  for God and the Lord Jesus Christ are the strength in my heart that will hold me from the brink of death.  They are the portion, the part that I absolutely need or I will fail on my own.

Lord Jesus, your strength is what I ask for, today and always.  I am thankful that when I am weakest you are what I see, I know from that you are near.  You will never leave me or forsake me but you will have me know you, thank you Lord.  I look to you and offer nothing but this failed and broken shell that hurts and needs you, now and always.  Amen.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

To Partake With Sinners

"Those who partake with sinners in their sin, must expect to partake with them in their plagues."

Matthew Henry, Commentary on 2 Kings 8:25-29

Why do bad things happen to good people?  Why does a good God allow good people to suffer and die?  Why doesn't the the bad stuff only happen to the bad people?  Add your own question here as to why things don't happen the way that we think that they should.  How the world think that it should be.

God will maintain His judgement to the end, unwaivering and unceasing, consistant and clearly.  There is no gray area in this.  God does what He says He is going to do, always.  In this sin will be punished, it will have its payment in blood, this is the way that it was intended it to be from the beginning. Genesis 3:21 "The lord made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them." The Lord spilled blood to cover the sin of Adam and Eve, to cover their "nakedness" that caused them to now feel shame.  Blood for sin.

So, sinners, part of why bad things happen to good people is because of the brokeness of the world from the beginning.  It just isn't working the way God intended it to and therefore things break.  When things break, murder, drunk driving, heart attacks, cancer, sickness and desease, they cause death.  When things are moving and living and being part of the brokeness they are caught up in the outcome of it.  There is no way around it.

Getting more specific to the message today, if you allow yourself to be part of the sin, or environment of sin, you are even more likely to suffer the consquences of it.  Pornography, drugs, robbery, drunk driving, these all can have consequences that can be detremental beyond a "normal" life.  If you get in the car with the drunk driver you should expect that you may be harmed.  If your sexual appetite leads you to risky sexual relations you may end up with a disease that will kill you.  You get the point.

So is there also consequences for allowing these things to go on without interceeding?  Yes, I am asking how much you should be involved in stopping others from doing the things that may cause harm, things that may be sin.  I know, who are we to say anything to somone else!  They are grown ups and can do what they want.  Even if it may eventually affect you?  A neighbor that is continually driving drunk, could they run your child over or have an accident with your family?  Do we have any responsibility to them or ourselves?

Ok, Christians, our turn.  When we see sin, do we say anything?  When we know that the actions of others are against God, are flirting with the Devil do we speak on the Lords behalf?  I know we all want to be good wittnesses in our lives, let our actions speak for us, but does that work when you see your unsaved buddy sinning?  Do you just sit and allow it to happen out of the same fear that the rest of the world has for speaking out?  How about abortion?  Deliberate murder of a child that God created, is that fight only for the radical Christians or do we all have a duty to speak and take actual action against this sin?

If we allow the things that are wrong continue in our presence then we must acknowledge that eventually we may be judged, that we may be part of the plague that occurs.  Genesis 18:25, "Far be it from you to do such a thing—to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?” Abraham questioning God in regards to the City of Sodom where wickedness was rampent in the eyes of God. The "righteous" living and allowing the "unrighteous" to do as they please.  If not for Abraham speaking on behalf of these people, they all would have perished in Gods judgement.

Exodus 11:4-7,  4 So Moses said, “This is what the LORD says: ‘About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. 5 Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. 6 There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been or ever will be again. 7 But among the Israelites not a dog will bark at any person or animal.’ Then you will know that the LORD makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel. Every first born son will die!  Every one if not by the protection that the Lord provided the Israelites even their sons.  Was there not a good one among them?  Was judgement on all that were not with the Lord?  The plagues, the judgements of sin may befall the sinner as well as the nonsinner if they are allowed and accepted.

So, yes Christians, we are to be good wittnesses in our lives, we are also called to fight against sin and speak out against the things that may be unrighteous in Gods eyes.  To allow them without concern is to place yourself along side the sins consequences.  To the nieghbor whom you should love, you must offer them an alternative to what they will get from the sinner on the other side of the road, an alternative that brings them out of Sodom, an alternative that associates them with the Israelites and not the Egyptians.  one that will save them from the plagues as well as saves yourself from them.

When you see sin, say something.  Satan wants you to fear the consequences of a foolish rebuke.  God wants you to stand for his righteousness and suffer the fools if necessary.  For you no believers, you have a choice also, to allow bad to happen to the good, just because you also were afraid,  Sin has cost. Sin must be paid for with blood.  Partake in sin with sinners and patake in the plague that may follow.

Lord Jesus, give all that see sin strength to walk away from it, strength to repent if they have been caught in it.  Let the righteous stand with you and for you and save the unrighteous through word and deed, not to have fear, but to walk in faith to your powerful word.  Also let your judgements be ap[pernet to those who need to see, before it is to late for them also. Amen.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday Night Prayer Group

 4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:4-7

With hearts full of the Lord these men have gathered every week for the past year here at Camp Shindand.  Started by Robert and myself as a way to offer prayer and worship time for men that worked jobs that did not allow them time for Church, it has lasted and grown. 

It has been incredibale being able to share this time with these men and others over the past year.  I have seen a diffent style or prayer and tesimony within a small group setting.  It is a time as I could have imagined with the original churches as there is no set program, no script just open form.  Be it a song, or prayer, or a testimony of the Lords working to the group, each man is afforded time to bring the word to the others in whatever way he so desires.  I have never left this group empty of the Spirit or raised up to the Lord.

Over this year many have come and gone from us Richard and Phillip, Senoti, Charles and many others who will all be part of the memory of the group. I hope that each man that has come and gone will have the same memories that I now have.  That the blessings that have come from this will remain forever.  I have three sonds that stay with me now that I use during prayer time, simple, but perfect to set my heart before the Lord.  That is one of the gifts.  We also now have the gift of fellowship and Brotherhood, something that will remain for eternity.

Last night will be the last time that I gather with these men in this setting here at FOB Shindand.  Again it was bitter sweet for me.  I held Robert as the other men laid hands on me for my safe journey and return home.  I however pray that this not be the last time that I see these men.  I ask the Lord to bring us together again, even with grey hair and grand children, so we may worship and pray once more.

Lord Jesus, bless each man that is represented in this photo.  Continue to be with themm as the remian here, protecting them.  Allow this group to remain forever and to be the blessing it was for me to any who enter into it.  Amen.

Monday, June 13, 2011

John 3:18, Don't Pass This One By!

Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only son.

John 3:18

We hear so many times of John 3:16, for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  I rememeber growing up and seeing John 3:16 signs in many places, sporting events on TV and just about anywhere you looked.  This is one of the standard Christian verses that people know, I think it is one of the few that I actually know without looking up.

This verse brings hope to the people that read it.  I will bet that even someone who is not a practicing Christian, by that a I mean a follower of Jesus Christ, would in some way think that this applies to them.  Even "good" people can place themselves into this catagory of having Gods love and therefore having eternal life.  Natural human reaction, nobody wants to die and go to hell or think that they will. 

If you look just past this "famous" verse you come to 3:18 which should be the one that is spoken more often to those that are not believers in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  It is nice to know why God sent Christ, and what He will do for those that believe, but until true heartfelt acceptance and change occurs everyone falls under this catogory "being condemned already."  Yes the God who loves the world also sees us all as sinners until we believe in His Son Jesus.

What that means is that no matter what you are or what you are doing in your life, no matter how good a parent you are or how well you run your business, you are condemned in the eyes of God and therefore subject to His righteous judgement and condemnation.  In plain terms, you are destined for hell on judgement day. Harsh reality but a Biblical truth.  God must be righteous and stand by His truths or He is not then God. 

Now you may say that that is only the Christain perspective, what about my personal beliefs, what about the other religions of the world.  Are they wrong?  Are all of those people that are "good" people, Ghandi, Budha, Mohammad are they all going to hell also?"  John 14:6, I am the way the truth and the life.  No one comes to the father except through me.  By these words yes they are.

I have discussed this before that there may be only one truth and Jesus speaks of that truth when he was speaking to Thomas.  He either is or He isn't the Son of God.  He either did or din't do what the gospels state that He did.  He either was or wasn't what gave birth to this new religion.  He either dis or didn't rise from the dead as the wittnesses swore.  You have to choose if He is or isn't the Christ, the Son of God.  I testify that He is, by the change that happened in me the day I called His name, Lord and savior.  The millions of others who, from their hearts can also testify to this will tell you the same.  He is Lord, Son of God, and through Him we were made new creations, not condemned by sin and held in bondage by this world.

Ultimately you will have a choice to make, until your heart earnestly seeks Him , He will not respond.  If you walk in a half hearted attempt without true commitment you will never know His grace, you will never experience His forgivness, you will never become one with Jesus Christ and know Gods glory.  You will remain dead fools of this world.  Make no mistake that as I had, your follish pride will keep you from eternal life.  Thinking that you know best will cost you dearly.  Even believing in other false religions will not see you through to the promise of God.  You must believe in the one sent from God to have victory over sin and to be an example of Gods Word in flesh for us.

Raise your hands up and forsake your foolish pride.  Reach for Jesus Christ and live in the freedom freely offered by God through Faith in His Son Jesus Christ.  Get on your knees and realize that you are only so "good" and that you have no payment greater then the one that Jesus Christ has already made on the behalf of all those that come to Him.  Ask Jesus Christ to take your life, and be your Lord and Savior today and be set free from the Condemnation that you now stand in.  He will be faithful to draw near to you and the Holy Spirit will dwell forever in your heart.

Lord Jesus, I pray that just one may be saved and move past the judgemnt that awaits.  May they see your truth and see life through that truth.  In your precious and holy name I pray, Amen.